Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Civil Wars

By definition, a civil war is a state of hostility or conflict between elements within an organization. A civil war can happen amongst a country, between co-workers, or even within a family or group of friends. One example of a civil war is the epic wars between siblings for their parents attention. Many children feel as if the other sibling is the favorite of the parents or loved more by the entire family, not knowing what else to do, the child attempts to out-shine there sibling thus creating a civil war within the family. Another example would be the Civil War that was in America during 1861-1865. USA was divided down the middle into The Union, north, and The Confederacy, south. This war brought family and friends to fight each other in battle and caused many deaths and casualties. Causes of this war were differences in beliefs about slavery, alcohol, Abraham Lincoln, and the effects that the war had on the country were astronomical. Civil wars are horrible things and should be avoided at all costs, but some are inevitable and unpreventable.

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