Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Bullying is a widespread problem, not only in schools, but also in homes and workplaces. Physical bullying, verbal bullying, sexual harrassment, and cyber bullying are just a few of the many ways one can bully another. For kids, bullying can be just another way to fit in. However, that might not always be the case. Low self-esteem, feeling powerless, and a way to be rid of anger are some of the reasons. Bullying can be stopped by help from parents, co-workers, and principles.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Top 10 things I am thankful for

  1. family
  2. friends
  3. health
  4. home
  5. new room
  6. car
  7. book shelf
  8. computer
  9. megan and daniel
  10. sunshine

Monday, November 16, 2009

Book review for Speak

Speak, a book by Laurie Halse Anderson, is about a teenage girl who suffers through many things, including rape. Melinda was only 15 when she went to a party, and after too many beers, she finds herself being overcome by The Monster. This book tells about how Melinda is silently screaming for someone, anyone, to listen to her cry for help.
Melinda recieved help from all of the people around her. It would be hard for someone to find themselves again after such a tragic thing such as rape had happened to them. Melinda needed help from everyone in her life to get things right again.
There is also good symbolism in the book Speak. All through out the book, Melinda is trying to draw the perfect tree but is unable to because she hasn't healed yet. The tree represents her growing as a person, and while she is still broken from The Monster, she is unable to draw one. However, when she finally gets her heart put back together, she draws her tree as a perfect portayal of her life
Melinda, alhtough damaged and torn, put her life back together. This is a book about hope and finding yourself. I would reccomend this book for others to read. =]

Thursday, September 10, 2009

His Tragic Story

This morning has been hectic. To begin with, my alarm didn't go off in time, my jeans were in the washer and I am out of contacts. I rushed around all morning trying to get ready for school and get my uniform ready for work right after school, but those also were in the washer. As soon as I woke up, i ran to the washer grabbed my things out of it and stuffed them in the dyer, and continued to get ready for my day.
Throughout my morning there were a series of misfortunes. For example, I stubbed my toes, ran into a door, burnt my forehead while trying to straighten my hair, spilt juice on my shirt, and... RAN OVER A SQUIRRELL. Such a cute little guy too. It was my second trip down my road already this morning for I had forgotten a few things and was forced to go back from fear of what my teachers would do to me if i left some homework at home. So, like I said, this was my second time on that road and was fed up with the morning and I might have been going a little too fast.. Okay maybe a lot too fast and.. I hit him. The poor, adorable, fury, little squirrelk was dead before I even realized what I had done.